NAT prides itself on offering customers tailored grain storage and export solutions for grains, oilseeds and legumes through the Port of Newcastle. The terminal is capable of:-
• loading bulk export shipments
• packing grain into containers
• outloading grain to domestic customers
• handling imported grain
• fumigation and blending of grain
For more information on key services please select the option below:
Fast, flexible export options for up to Panamax size vessels. Our state-of-the-art shiploader and conveying systems are rated up to 2000tph and operate on a 24hr 7 day basis.
We pride ourselves on minimal queuing and fast truck turnaround times thanks to our 400tph road discharge service and efficient load sampling technology.
Our high-speed rail discharge facility is situated on a continuous balloon loop track enabling unloading rates of up to 1500tph. NAT works closely with rail providers and customers to facilitate efficiency gains throughout the upcountry supply chain.
We offer fast, quality assured container packing services for grains, oilseeds and legumes.
Pest control
Quality & Blending
Flexible storage and handling options mean we have the capacity to segregate and blend grain cargoes and containers to meet customer specifications.